
  • Chemotherapy While Single

    Chemotherapy While Single

    Rebecca is a youthful and athletic 57. Although she’s been single for a while, she didn’t think much about it until last spring when she got the unwelcome news that she had Stage 3 breast cancer and would have to endure a five month course of chemotherapy. ⚠️ You need to sign into — or…

  • Cancer Doctors Need Encouragement to Speak About Prognosis

    Cancer Doctors Need Encouragement to Speak About Prognosis

    Imagine you are an oncologist (a cancer doctor). People who come to see you have just learned that they have a disease that could kill … ⚠️ You need to sign into — or first create — an account to read articles or comment.

  • A Lucky Life, Interrupted…

    A Lucky Life, Interrupted…

    My Dad, Tom Brokaw, is publishing his 5th book this week: A Lucky Life Interrupted. This book was written during the year he was getting … ⚠️ You need to sign into — or first create — an account to read articles or comment.